(Anti-)Rassismus Flucht & Migration Gender & Sexualität

Hennigsdorf: they tried to deport her again!

On the 7th of Sep­tem­ber, around 4 o’clock in the morn­ing, in a Heim in Hen­nigs­dorf, a refugee woman was again com­pelled out of her room, vio­lent­ly pushed in to a police car and tak­en to the air­port in one more forced depor­ta­tion attempt. They didn’t suc­ceed because the pilot refused to take in a woman in such a dis­tress. They came as they do: in many, vio­lent­ly push­ing, humil­i­at­ing, hand­cuff­ing as if the woman was a dan­ger­ous criminal.
We, from the IWS, went to Hen­nigs­dorf, to see her, after once again she resist­ed her depor­ta­tion and what fol­lowed was a hor­ror dis­play of more vio­lence against her and also against us, her friends.
We arrived in the Heim around 12h. She was ner­vous, weak, scared. Her arms were red and swollen. Her night­gown, clothes she was wear­ing when she was arrest­ed, was full of blood, her back had red marks left by the police. We agreed she should see a doc­tor, go to the hos­pi­tal. We then called the Ambu­lance. They came, but they didn’t seem inter­est­ed in help­ing her. They were more wor­ried about a mobile phone we used to film her, not them. One of the male nurs­es came to us and asked us to delete our footage, which we did immed­i­tate­ly in order to calm them down and give our friend the atten­tion she need­ed. It was too late though. They decid­ed to cre­ate a scence out of the short and mean­ing­less dis­cus­sion about the film­ing and opt­ed for call­ing the police. Mean­while the unfriend­ly faces of the Heim’s admin­is­tra­tion sur­round­ed us. We didn’t know what was ter­ri­fy­ing them the most: the fact that in our group there was not one ger­man look­ing per­son and we were speak­ing in eng­lish, the fact that we could be from the press because one of us showed a press card or the obvi­ous fact that none of us was the ger­man white pro­to­type of a human being. Maybe all of these togeth­er. In a few min­utes four police cars arrived. To do what? Keine Ahnung, no idea. There was absolute­ly no need for cre­at­ing such a fuss. There was the need to help a woman to go to the hos­pi­tal. That was their main duty. That is why they were called.
The police asked us a few ques­tions and left. We tried a last com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the male nurs­es by ask­ing them the address of the hos­pi­tal they were final­ly tak­ing our friend, but they refused to tell us. No prob­lem, we knew Hen­nigs­dorf doesn’t have many hos­pi­tals and went to the one they took her to.
So we ask our­selves: until when refugees will be treat­ed like crim­i­nals, sus­pects? What leads peo­ple to dis­re­gard the needs of oth­er human beings in such a way? Tak­ing even their rights to be helped. Male nurs­es called the police against us because we were stand­ing for our friend and we should learn that to do so is also con­sid­ered a crime because refugees are not sup­posed to have friends. Why is the soci­ety in gen­er­al so qui­et about the abuse com­mit­ted against peo­ple who came to Ger­many to seek for pro­tec­tion? The only answer we can find is Racism. It is because Racism still plays the biggest role and as Racism is an irra­tional feel­ing, the result can­not be oth­er than violence.
Below you find Facts and Fiction.
Full tran­scrip­tion of the tes­ti­mo­ni­al below the video.

Tran­scrip­tion: When I get up in the morn­ing, I was still sleep­ing, when I was in my bed and then I went to hear peo­ple they knock on my door and when I went and open the door I saw these peo­ple from the Aus­län­der­be­hörde Police, this woman, she was there, its not Donov, its the police, its this woman that first time was there and these two police they were there and this fat man, that it is in Oranien­burg, the one that has a very big stom­ach, he use to wear only shirt every time, the man too was there and then they come, I open the door and they told me I have to go now, they want to come and enter and pack my things.
I was out­side and then they entered and then they are pack­ing my things. They car­ry two box­es that were here and then they take this bag. I was only wear­ing this dress, this one and I didn’t have this one, I didn’t have this one and I didn’t have shoes I was have just socks, those socks they did it in the air­port, they removed it there and then they put me this one.
And after that they car­ry me, I was out­side here, they hand­cuffed my hands. They hand­cuffed my hands, they were going to pull me, they hand­cuffed my hands and they hand­cuffed my legs and they tide me from this place(showing the waist) with these things that the use to tie peo­ple, every­thing was tied, my hand. The chain. I was in chain, you under­stand? Chained.
The thing they tie you, you can not do some­thing you cant move some­thing, with your legs, you cant move you cant do some­thing. Then after they car­ried me and put me in their car, then I was there I was only pray­ing, I was there I was always pray­ing, I was there I was always pray­ing. We reached the air­port now. When we reach the air­port they car­ry me, they are the ones who car­ry me.
Because I was in chain, they tie my legs, they car­ry me. They go back in the same room that they bring me first time and that they put me there. The same per­son that time that they said that they are going to bring me back here. The same per­son too was there today, they are the one that were mak­ing me today to do this thing.
I was there, I was pray­ing and they want­ed me to do some­thing and I was only pray­ing. They hand­cuffed me and they were doing bad things to me, they were beat­ing me, he was beat­ing me and the oth­er one, very fat, he climbed and sits with me, on my legs here and I say do you want to break my legs?! Do you want to break my legs? Anoth­er woman was there and she was hold­ing my hand like this, she was press­ing me. And anoth­er man was here, he was press­ing my hand.
And anoth­er man said: Oh, don’t break her hand – in their lan­guage I don’t under­stand – don’t break her hand, and he said: No, I am not break­ing her hand. And after now, I do this thing, I was only there because I shouldn’t hold some­thing i should not remove any­thing. And after now they talked and fin­ished their talk then after I sit there they go and bring me shoe, they bring the shoe and I told them I am not going to put that shoe, that shoe is not for me, I am not going to put. They are the one that put shoe on my leg, I remove, I remove!
I was mak­ing like this every­thing, go aside, then they tried to put just one side, then they car­ry me now right way at the plane.
They take me, they put me in the car, the car went with them there and we reach there, they remove me out­side, there are 5 of them. 6 peo­ple they car­ry me up. When they car­ry me up I jumped like this and then I fall down, I fall down. When I fall down they come again and they car­ry me again and they go now inside the plane.
They put me in the plane that there is nobody, where I was sup­pose to sit there, was nobody there. There was nobody, nobody was sit­ting on that place.
When I was there and entered this thing, two police peo­ple was here, and then anoth­er per­son was here and anoth­er per­son was here and they chained the way that you see me and they tied my mouth with some­thing that I should not talk, but I was only pray­ing, I was only pray­ing, I was only shout­ing and crying.
And there is this one man and one woman then she come and she told them: You can­not car­ry this girl like this, she is talk­ing and she is cry­ing, you can­not take her like this to Africa, you wouldn’t go. Then after that, they car­ried me down back, those police peo­ple, they car­ried me back and they go now and put me in the carand the car bring me to that place and they remove me again and go in the room, this pri­vate room I went the first time.
Where I went the first time they show me where that I sit, I sit only in that place then after they were telling me now every­thing is over, every­thing is over, you are going now home. Are you stay­ing in the Heim? Yes, I am stay­ing in the Heim, You have been in the Heim for how many years? I told them that I have been in the Heim for almost 5 years.
Then the oth­er one wastelling me, they start­ed to remove these things from me, they are the ones who remove those chains in me, they start­ed to remove those chains and then they say I will not trav­el again.Then they car­ry me and start­ed to remove the chains in me, they start­ed to beg me, I was not say­ing I was only cry­ing, I was only cry­ing, I was only cry­ing, I was only cry­ing, I was only cry­ing all the time.
And after that they do this things, they remove.
And the oth­er man was say­in­glet them take me to the hos­pi­tal for this on my hand. After the oth­er was say­ing: No. After the oth­er one say: No, its not too bad let them bring med­i­cine. And they put it there and after they make my hand like this, and say every­thing is fine, you are going now at home, I didn’t talk to them. And then after now they do this thing, they didn’t told me they do this thing. Then after now they bring back med­i­cine and they give me these paper there are some papers I didn’t take but they put them in my bag, I didn’t know they put them in my bag.
And they say I should sign some­thing here I said No, I am not sign­ing any­thing from this place. I wont sign any­thing. And they told me then, go and get your bag from that place where things are sup­pose to go. And then I told them: No, I am not going some­where, go and bring my bag there, my bag was not there, how can you told me now I should go and take my bag there, you peo­ple go and bring my bag and come and bring me here. I am not going there. They say this is the tick­et, you just go and show the per­son and the per­son will give your bag to you. I say No, I am not going there. I am not going there. My bag is there, my bag is in the air­port I leave there and then I come. The bag which I only bring is only this bag then with this dress inside, this is the dress that I put with me to trav­el and to go to Cameron with it. And after now I say I will not take my bag, they are there.
I didn’t know where to go to air­port, I didn’t know what to do, then when I want to go I saw one woman, I think she was a ger­man or what woman and then I beg her that please I have prob­lem this morn­ing and I don’t have tick­ets, please can you help me with your tick­ets because I am going some­where. What the woman do is she gave me 2 tick­ets, the 2 tick­ets they were here, she gives me 2 tick­ets, the tick­ets were here…yes, there. I hold her hand and I say thank you so much, this 2 tick­et that brought me here, I come and reach here.I walk only with my legs i was com­ing just like this and I reach here. Thats all that passed my sister.
J:So they left you at the airport?
D:Yes they left me there.
J:And what is this with your dress can we see, how did you get all this blood?
What hap­pened to you at the back?
D:They knock me on my back. They hurt me from my back.
I think that blood come out, I don’t know. The blood come too from the hand so much.
J:Did they give you any doc­u­ments to come here, Ausweis?
D:Thats the thing that they give to me.
The oth­er one, I didn’t take the oth­er one.I opened my bag and saw this one.I am sor­ry for this I saw this one.
They want­ed me to sign and I said I am not sign­ing anything.
J:This hand looks a lit­tle bit swollen.
D:Yes because my hands are very hurt because they pressed me a lot, they pressed me a lot.some peo­ple were even climb­ing in my hand, so my hands should broke so I could not do any­thing. Some of them climb on my foot so I could any­thing but god helped me.
This one I was just oth­er and give me that one I was sup­pose to go there today
Its only this one that they give to me too.
If I should not go today they should kill me, this is their plan today, I will not hide you.
If I did not go today they should kill me.
Because why they bring me into air­port in that house? They want to kill me in that place
and then the guy speaking….
Today they want to kill me, they want to kill.
Even today this one was not good too.
Where they put me in the room in the air­port wait­ing that the flight will car­ry me and go away.
What they were doing to me, was tying me , some would climb on my foot, some here, some here, press­ing me. They don’t want me to talk, they don’t want me to see some­thing, they take this thing from the hos­pi­tal and tied my mouth , tied my mouth they dont want me to talk. They put med­i­cine in my mouth and then I pru­uu!! 3 times I threw. And then the oth­er man said: Be very care­ful, I will give you med­i­cine to sleep. I said I am not going to take any med­i­cine. But you peo­ple should leave me to pray. You peo­ple does not want me to pray for what? You peo­ple should leave me alone.They say we don’t lis­ten to God here and we don’t want to know any­thing about this thing. My sis­ter, nkt! you do not know. They are very dev­il. They planed me today, they planed me today. That if I don’t go today they should kill me. Thats how they planed me today that if didn’t go they would kill me.
But their plan didn’t work, didn’t work, didn’t work. My dress­es are in the air­port, two box­es of dress­es, they are there. They told me to get my dress­es from that place that they pack and I said: No, I am not going there. They said: the tick­et is there…

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