Eliminate fascist structures!
Government and opposition only got fake disscusions going, the political
center has arrived on the right wing. Demands and slogans of right-wing
extremists were referred to by etablished parties and this way made a big
contribution to the increase of legitimation of right- wing ideas. After
debates over a prohibtion of the right wing party NPD, the examples of
right wing populism in policy and devaluating use of speech against
migrants have not grown less. Just remember the racist campaign of CDU/CSU
against double citizenship, the debate over the necessity of a “German
guiding culture” initiated by CDU party whip Merz, the election campaign of
the favourite candidate, CDU‘s Rüttgers, who used the slogan “Kinder statt
Inder”(“Children instead of migrants from India”) to motivate against
highly qualified migrants and last but not least the uninhibited contact of
the red- green government with the national socialistic past.
Easy to imagine politicians of all directions activating racist ideologies
among people and featuring their election campaigns at expense of groups
which are outlawed already to come through with their ideas of laws for
inner security. The “Einwanderungsbegrenzungsgesetz” (“Law of limitations
of migrants”) and Schily´s “Anti-terror-laws” probably won t be the last
steps taken to discriminate Non-German people, like migrants. By those
aspects of law it will be even harder for refugees to find asylum;
reuniting of families has become almost impossible. Who is allowed to get
in is determined by economic criteries: Only “useful” foreigners are
welcomed, for all the others Europe shall stay the untouchable fort. The so-
called “Anti-terror-laws”, which have been waiting in politicians desks for
years and came to use after the 11th of September, open the doors for
racism sponsored by the state: With the screen search which was carried out
in the whole Federal Government all Arabic men in-between 15 and 35 were
declared potential terrorists.
And what does all of that have to do with Rathenow ???
From the local political point of view it looks even worse. Among all
parties. In many cases racist ideologies, xenophobia and ignorance of those
structures are reality today. As an example we want to take a look at the
capital city of the district Brandenburg: Rathenow.
Not only the average struggle of having almost no chance to stay in Germany
legally and living in fear to be send home where poverty and torture is
waiting, the refugees are put in a camp far from the centre of the city
where the chance to participate in social and cultural life is very
limited. Potential visitors are scared away by the security service, which
includes also members of the local Comeradeship. Those self-made protectors
of public peace control all identity cards of those who want to get in and
keep book over who is visited by whom. Also in these cases discriminating
special laws come to action. As there is the “Residenzpflicht” (“residence
duty”, which doesn t allow refugees to leave the district their refugee
home is in), refugees don t receive work permissions and only around 40
Euros cash per month. Shopping food is only possible by coupons worth 70%
of the average social income and only in a very limited number of stores.
The inhabitants of Rathenow show rejecting or even clear racist reactions
toward the foreigners. Racist motivated aggressions are ignored or even
tolerated as such in public. As in February 2000 a refugee inotiotiation
published a memorandum to demand a resettlement of their shelter and
demonstrate from their point of view the inability of politicians to solve
this unbearable situation, the “enemy” was pointed out fast: The chairmen
of the refugee inotiotiation, Christopher N´So, was strongly offended and
claimed to be a criminal drug dealer in public.
Since the Wall came down the Neo-Nazi scene in Rathenow as enveloped to a
very active one. Every year there have been several infringements on Non-
Germans, left- wing- orientated and such who doit in. Though most of
them letting the victims find themselves in the hospital, very few were
reported to the police. One of the most violent offend in the district of
Brandenburg happened in Rhinow closeby in 1998. A group of Neo-Nazis was
refused to enter a dance event called “Reiterball”. The non-German
doorkeeper therefore was beaten into coma with a metal bar.
From 2000 on an increasing politicisation of the Neo-Fascist scene of
Rathenow can be observed.The originally four comradeship “White Warriors
Rathennow”, “Kameradschaft Rathenow”, “Arische Kämpfer” and “Kameradschaft
Hauptvolk” united to become on comradeship called “Hauptvolk”. Their main
meeting place is “Don Promillos Pony Bar ” in Grosse Milower Strasse. There
they hold gatherings to educate members on ideologies, to publish a
circular for all comrades and to plan fascist motivated actions like
campaign for the “Rudolf-Hess-Memorial-Day” or the “Memorial Day for
Heroes”. Thirty members of the “Kameradschaft Rathenow” also participated
in the manifestation of the NPD in Berlin on December, 1st 2001. More and
more the activists try to spread their propaganda among young people.
Addressing the public they also try to awaken sympathies among the citizens
of Rathenow.
For over years the regional press has not taken the problem serious as
such. Deeds motivated by racist and fascist ideas have been looked at as
isolated cases, carried out by bored youngsters. When ARD, a public
channel, had a report on xenophobia and right-wing extremism interviewing
the headmaster of a school and a Neo-Fascist from Rathenow the clash was
brought to public. The headmaster strongly rejected the existence of right-
wing extremism within his school, though most of the comrades were or had
been studying at his school. On of the activists was trainer of a volley
ball team, also involved in school policies and popular among the teachers.
There the xenophobic attitude of young people as well as the mute
sympathies of adults turned out clear. The reaction of Rathenow´s
inhabitants came right away: The journalists from ARD were offended grossly
and their reports claimed untrue. Rathenow against the rest of the world…
A rally to demonstrate tolerance and against right-wing violence was
organised as an reflex action, but soon turned into an Anti-contrast-
manifestation, where comrades shook hands.
That community, first of all the ex-mayor Lünser (Pro Rahenow) as well as
the present mayor Seegler (CDU, back then functioning as the deputy mayor)
reacted very slowly after having ignored the conflict for a long time seems
to be common among the new districts. The final action taken by local
politicians and several companies. The campaign “With one another for one
another” let the initiators sleep well, but did not bring any results after
all. No surprise — who is there to participate ? With discretion and
belittling silence the left-wind scene was encouraged and even sponsored by
local policies. Victims were excluded and expelled (DRIVEN AWAY?) while the
very few left-wing activists were claimed to “fool the own nest”.
There has been now improvement of the situation till now on. In addition to
the special police unit “Mega” (Mobile Einsatzeinheit gegen Gewalt und
Ausländerfeindlichkeit), which also takes care of left-wing activists,
another special unit called “Tomeg” (Täterorientierte Maßnahmen gegen
extremistische Gewalttaten) was found. Within the elections of the present
mayor in February this year declared a centre of tolerance. But if you look
at it you can find tolerance for only a very limited ra
nge of variety of
people. So the past and recent situation are the same: Rathenow is a centre
of fascism.
Organise resistance against fascism!
By different actions, as there is anti-racist shopping (trading of coupons
for cash) and a spontaneous gathering after two Sudanese were inviolate in
November 2001, the left-wing orientated youth tried to put attention on the
majority of people accepting the racist consent within inhabitants,
politicians and Neo-Fascists.
With our manifestation we want to show: We are unwilling to accept this as
average conditions.
Take part !
Pro emancipated and anti-fascist culture of youth for Rathenow and
elsewhere !
Manifestation at Rathenow, June, 5th 2002 ,
2 p.m. at Dunckerplatz (Hauptbahnhof ODER main train station)
for departure from Berlin meet at Alexanderplatz at high noon (12 o‘
clock), train RE 38170, departure 12:13
Recommended reading for more information about Rathenow:
“Havelländer Jungs — Rechtsextremismus im Westhavelland 2001 — Analysen, Berichte, Bilder”
youre called by: Antifa Havelland / Falkensee, Antifaoffensive
Westhavelland, Antifaschistische Aktion Berlin (AAB), Flüchtlingsinitiative
Brandenburg, JungdemokratInnen / Junge Linke Berlin + Brandenburg,
JungdemokratInnen / Junge Linke Rathenow
supported by: [antifanews] — antifaschistisches Informationssystem für
BerlinBrandenburg, Antifaschistische Aktion Eberswalde [AAEW],
Antifaschistische Aktion Neuruppin, Antifaschistische Aktion Potsdam
(AAPO), Autonome Antifa Nordost (Berlin), Autonome Antifa Schwerin,
Jugendantifa Marzahn (Berlin), Jugendantifa Neuruppin (JAN), Jusos Berlin-
Steglitz / Zehlendorf, PDS Rathenow, Rote Antifa Reinickendorf (Berlin)