Gender & Sexualität

Justice for Rita! Call for Action

On the 7th of April 2019 our sis­ter Rita Ojunge dis­ap­peared. Rita was liv­ing with her chil­dren in a Lager in Hohen­leip­isch, Bran­den­burg. Ritas fam­i­ly want­ed to know what had hap­pened. The refugees liv­ing in her Lager demand­ed jus­tice for Rita and the clos­ing of the Lager. The Lager is in very bad con­di­tion and absolute­ly iso­lat­ed, sur­round­ed by a forest.

The police was reluc­tant to search for Ritas where­abouts. Only two months after Rita had dis­ap­peared, the police start­ed to search for her. They found her remains just 200m away from the Lager, in the for­est. The racist lack of inves­ti­ga­tion continues.

Now, two years after Ritas mur­der, the prosecutor’s office might close her case and the Lager in Hohen­leip­isch is still not abolished.

That is why Women in Exile & Friends are invit­ing you to join our antiracist and fem­i­nist Demo in Cot­tbus on the 8th of march, the inter­na­tion­al wom­ens day. The meet­ing point will be Cot­tbus Haupt­bahn­hof North­side at 10am.

Let us com­mem­o­rate Rita Ojunge and may she rest in per­fect peace and power!

Let us all con­tin­ue to demand jus­tice, the con­tin­u­a­tion of the inves­ti­ga­tion and the abol­ish­ment of all Lager!

We need prop­er pre­ven­tion, pros­e­cu­tion and sanc­tion­ing of Fem­i­ni­cides. Refugee wom­ens lives matter!

Lets come togeth­er, be many who care and sup­port each other!

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