(Inforiot) Im folgenden dokumentieren wir Auszüge aus dem Bericht des Anti-Folter-Komitees (CPT) über die ZAST in Eisenhüttenstadt. Der vollständige Bericht ist unter www.cpt.coe.int
zu finden. Im Anschluß eine Pressemitteilung der Roten Hilfe Potsdam vom 18. März zum selben Thema. Weitere Infos zur ZAST gibt es im Inforiot Archiv.
Eisenhüttenstadt Detention Centre
The material conditions of all rooms were good in terms of space, ventilation, light (both natural light and artificial lighting), heating and state of cleanliness. The rooms were adequately furnished (table, chairs, cupboards), had a separate sanitary annexe with a lavatory and a washbasin, and were equipped with a satellite TV offering a wide range of programmes in different languages. However, the CPT suggests that detainees be provided with means for locking their cupboards.
The regime was flexible: foreigners were able to move freely within their unit during the day, had access to a sports room and were allowed one hour outdoor exercise every day. However, there were no other forms of activities available (even reading matter had to be purchased by the detainees from their pocket money). In fact, detainees spent the bulk of the day in a general state of idleness, playing cards or watching TV. The contrast with Büren was striking; the lack of purposeful activities contributed to creating a prison-like atmosphere. The CPT recommends that measures be taken to offer a better range of activities to persons accommodated in Eisenhüttenstadt.”
The delegation noted that, in the context of medical consultations, language barriers between doctors and foreign nationals complicated the anamnesis. The problem mainly occurred at Eisenhüttenstadt and, on occasion, in the case of certain specific languages, at Büren. Further, at Eisenhüttenstadt complaints were heard from some foreign nationals that they had not been given any explanation, in a language understandable to them, about the treatment they had received.”
As regards Eisenhüttenstadt Detention Centre, the relevant legal provisions are embodied in the Law on the Execution of Detention Pending Removal (Abschiebehaftvollzugsgesetz) of Brandenburg and the implementing Order (Gewahrsamsordnung), according to which special security measures can be imposed on a violent/agitated foreigner or in case of risk of escape. The measures involve, inter alia, placement in a special security room and the use of coercive measures (unmittelbarer Zwang). Withdrawal of outdoor exercise was also applied occasionally by staff as a security measure; the CPT recommends that an immediate end be put to this practice. Recourse to security measures was recorded in the personal file of the detained foreign national concerned but, as at Büren, not in a specific register.
Conditions in one of the two security cells at Eisenhüttenstadt (cell No. 2008) were totally unacceptable. This cell was fitted with four metal rings anchored to the floor, in order to secure a person hand and foot while lying prone and spread-eagled. Handcuffs and ankle cuffs were available in the room. As already indicated in paragraph 10 above, the delegation invoked Article 8, paragraph 5, of the Convention requesting the authorities to remove immediately the four metal rings and to ensure that four-point restraint using metal cuffs to immobilise a detainee is never used.”
“The CPT recommends that the necessary measures be taken to provide adequate rooms for accommodating agitated persons, in the light of the preceding remarks. It also recommends that clear instructions be delivered to the staff at Eisenhüttenstadt that, in the event that a detainee is or becomes highly agitated, a medical doctor should be contacted immediately and action taken in accordance with the doctors opinion. Moreover, staff at Eisenhüttenstadt should receive specific training in dealing with agitated detainees.
The CPT further recommends that — both at Büren and Eisenhüttenstadt — every instance of use of security measures, including type and duration, be recorded in a specific register established for that purpose.”
“The situation was less favourable at Eisenhüttenstadt Detention Centre. Considerable language barriers existed between the staff and detained foreign nationals. However, they only partly explained the rather low commitment of the staff and the limited contacts with detainees. The delegation formed the impression that, in contrast to Büren, the management did not adopt a proactive approach. The staff were clearly lacking guidance on important issues and appeared to confine their activities to warehousing detained foreign nationals. The CPT recommends that increased attention be given to the selection of staff employed at Eisenhüttenstadt Detention Centre and to enhancing their possibilities for initial and in-service training.”
Europarat wirft dem BGS “exzessive Gewalt” vor
(Rote Hilfe) Der Europarat hat dem Bundesgrenzschutz (BGS) unnötige und “exzessive Gewalt” bei der Abschiebung von Ausländern per Flugzeug vorgeworfen. Abschiebehäftlinge auf dem Flughafen Berlin-Schönefeld hätten sich über Faustschläge, Fußtritte und Beschimpfungen beklagt, heißt es in einem am Donnerstag in Straßburg veröffentlichten Bericht des Anti-Folterkomitees des Europarates (CPT). Eine 13-köpfige Delegation von Ärzten, Juristen, Gefängnis- und Menschenrechtsexperten hatte im Dezember 2000 Polizeikommissariate, Gefängnisse, Abschieberäume und psychiatrische Anstalten in sieben Bundesländern besucht. Der Bericht wurde erst jetzt veröffentlicht, nachdem Deutschland zugestimmt hatte.
In dem Bericht des CPT ist auch von Misshandlungen im deutschen Polizeigewahrsam die Rede. Häftlinge hätten den Europaratsexperten über Tritte und Schläge bei Festnahmen berichtet, selbst wenn sie schon wehrlos waren. Die Zellen in vielen Polizeikommissariaten seien äußerst karg ausgestattet, manchmal fehlten sogar Matratzen und Decken. In einer Haftanstalt im brandenburgischen Eisenhüttenstadt entdeckten die Folterexperten einen Verwahrraum mit vier Eisenringen am Boden, die dafür benutzt wurden, Häftlinge mit gespreizten Armen und Beinen fest zu binden.
Von einer besonders schwer wiegenden Misshandlung erfuhren die Folterexperten auf dem Flughafen Berlin-Schönefeld. Dort wurde den Angaben zufolge eine Nigerianerin mit Händen und Füßen auf eine Holzbank gefesselt und so ins Abschiebe-Flugzeug getragen. Der Widerstand der Afrikanerin sei durch einen schmerzhaften “Kopfhaltegriff” und einer ins Gesicht gepressten Jacke gebrochen worden. Der Flugkapitän weigerte sich, die Frau in diesem Zustand an Bord zu nehmen. Die Beamten brachten die Frau daraufhin unter Schlägen in die Abschieberäume zurück.
Abschiebknäste auflösen, Abschiebungen stoppen, Bleiberecht für alle Opfer von Diskriminierung und rassistischer Gewalt!